Today... The Boy and I are running the comet... checking out the gas filter that I put on today... we are out rev-ing her up and all the sudden the dinning room window flies open and the Wife yells out... "Running a LITTLE RICH ain't she?" IS IT ME or does everyone have this problem?? After 30 years of Marriage I guess she can read my mind. Phil
She was probably choking on the gas fumes, but at least she didnt yell at you for it----or was there a hidden agenda for her telling you it was running rich
well im going to have to say GO WIFE for understanding whats goin on! how many women know what running rich even is. and i haven't got to much running time on my car so i dont know how it does.
LOL she wants a mav or comet that is EFI modded and a mild cam... my wifey has trained me too well....