Hi all. Well, here I am again, bowing before all of you knowledgeable people for some more help. My Maverick emblem is loose, so I took it off. There was nothing behind it. What do I use to keep them tight? I know I could use those blue colored springs that only go on one way like a fishhook, but then if I have to remove it, I won't be able to get them off. Was there some plastic inserts originally in the fender? Thanks for any help. Want to show this soon at a car meet. Jack (who is on his knees right now).
most autobody supply stores have aftermarket barrel clips that are like the stock ones. there are alot of different sizes, so you need to know your hole and stud sizes, if I remember correctly should be 1/8 hole and 1/16 stud. my local store also has plastic ones that won't chip the paint. some auto parts stores have these too.
I just pulled mine off my fenders a couple of weeks ago and it appeared they were held on with seam sealer, (correct me if I am wrong all of you that know about that more than me) Well the seam sealer stuff the factory covered up the welds and filled in the joints between the pannels with
Thanks ET and Mark for your responses to my post. This gives me two ways to connect them on. Thanks again. Jack