so installation was fairly smooth. bled the FRONT only, very thoroughly. slapped the wheels on and took off down the street.. the pedal is somewhat soft and lower than what i would like, or expected. the rotors seem to have more drag than they should. how much drag is normal? the performance of them was was under my expectations; not as sensitive as i hoped. have i done something wrong here? thanks guys
Did you modify the brake hose fittings? Just wondering cause if I remember, they point the opsite way.
Oil or grease on the rotor will cause lesser performance. Old brake hoses could as well. If the pedal is low/soft, I might be looking at bleeding ALL the system, as well as adjusting the rears. That is likely to show improvements. Good luck! Dave
the timeless question of does the drum drum master work with disk drum set ups. i suspect that your problem is because the m/c bore is too small for the disks. get disk drum m/c.
use a 89-91 grand marqi master brake junk yards are full of them dump the booster and just use the master cyinder they work great did you put residual valves in front and bac also ?youll need em and they call for diferent pressures
Lot of people say they're still using the drum/drum master w/disc brakes with no problems. I'm in the process of converting mine and will keep the drum/drum mc and proportioning valve for now. What do you have on the back, disc or drums? If your rears (drum or disc w integral parking brake) not adjusted properly you'll have a low or soft pedal like Ratio411 said. Could also still be air or any of the aforementioned problems.
He must have, I just did mine and did it the same way. They originally went over the hose bracket and looped back around.
I left the MC, PV on when I did my conbversiotn. I've had no problems. Goos pedAL but you do have topress hard as you don't have the power assist. pedal is high and firm, like a high school cheer leader