I would like some input on building a hipo 302 like cam and head combo and any other thoughts. This is strickly a cruzer car with auto, 325 gear and 28 inch tall tires. Don`t want to get too wild just something fun to drive and has a nice little sound. Thanks for any suggestions.
1 question roller or flat tappet? roller cams are the way to go but unless you are willing to upgrade to retro fit your motor you are stuck with flat tappet and will require special break in oils and from what i am hearing from afew builders is that these new flat tappet cams are only lasting about 60,000 miles i cant confirm this is true but ido know 2 people who just lost cams and both low miles on them.i was at engine shop the other day and saw break in oil for cams(motor oil@8.00 a qt. whoa thats not cheap at all