I'm wondering if the park lever on the tranny is in the slot in the valve body shaft. Seems like I had one do that before when I messed with a valve body.
did you get the torque converter all the way on?its a three step install it must be all the way on if you take off inspection plate undo the bolts you should be abile to push tq all the way bac,if it is jammed its not on all the way you can move the tq freely if not.......i didnt get my last one on all the way and the second i fired it off it broke pump gear not cool
Shifter Adjustment? Could your shifter linkage need adjusting? I'd pull the linkage off and try shifting into park by pulling on the lever. If that works I'm guessing the linking just needs adjustment.
If i take it off i still have to pull back slightlly and hold it. Then it locks in park. But as soon as i let go its free again. What doesn't make since is it sound like its in when you shift by hand. It clicks like its in park.
Here is something to try, while holding it in park spin the driveshaft and see if it clicks in and stays. The detent for the parking pawl is not locking into place
I rotated the driveshaft but it didn't click in. As soon as I took my hand off the shifter at the transmission it spun free again.
Disconnect your shifter from the transmission; Hold the lever in park; Rotate the driveline until it stops with a "click"; release the transmission lever; try to rotate the driveshaft. If it still rotates then you have an internal problem. If it doesn't rotate the adjust your linkage with the shifter in park and reconnect. I believe your problem is a misadjusted linkage.