Cap'n, I live in central California, and 250s here are still pretty easily obtained. I lucked out on getting my last engine, as some people said they couldn't get this old four door 250 registered and smogged, so they gave it to whomever wanted it. I stripped er down and got a lot of valuable parts for my two-door in the event of an accident. Unfortunately, I couldn't save the bumpers, as I was moving and 'stripping' time ran out. Got everything else though, except tranny. What part of California, approximately, do you live, if I may ask? Jack
I'm in Los Angeles, Marina del Rey... I need a 250 harmonic balancer... The one I got with the 250 I just bought is no good. My crank is cast too...... I wonder where I can get a forged one....just the idea.....
Cap'n, I live in Woodlake, California, just below the Sequoia entrance gate. We are having a cooling trend right now. It was only 103 yesterday, as opposed to 109 last week. Don't see as many Mavericks here as I did a few years ago. A shame it took so long for people to wake up and stop junking them out. The ones I do see for the most part are really cosmetically run down, but running perfect. Just like a Timex. Can't kill em. I has some weird thoughts a while back about how neat a 'flathead Ford engine' would look under my Maverick's hood. Maybe even the floor shift transmission from a '39' or '40'. Jack