HHO Generator - Save Gas

Discussion in 'Other Automotive Tech & Talk' started by Bubba Bob, Aug 2, 2008.

  1. facelessnumber

    facelessnumber Drew Pittman

    Oct 4, 2007
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    '71 Grabber
    Yeah man, it's all good fun. Sorry if I sounded... Homicidal. It's not you klaatu42, really. It's the thread. For some reason every time this thread floats to the top of my subscribe list, I become someone else. Someone who hears voices, sees only the color red, and strangles puppies. Ordinarily I'm a jolly sort of fellow.

    Admittedly, I was loud, and you innocently just walked into a landmine by resurrecting this 285 post basket full o' stupid that refuses to die... It's not your fault, you personally didn't deserve that...

    However... I intimately, biblically, know how a car's charging system works, to the point that it's just nasty. I know all of their naughty parts. I once woke up hung over, disoriented and naked in a strange house, empty bottles of tequila strewn everywhere, with three hot female voltage regulators in the bed next to me. They got up one by one, kissed my cheek and called me by the only name they knew, El Presidente, then they made me breakfast. You can't compete with that, I am definitely right about this.

    Glad I quoted it all for posterity then, so nobody thinks I'm a raving lunatic who screams at walls. People here don't have to know that part of my life.

    Me too man. Respect. We are but two old school original gangstas set adrift in a sea of perpetratin' n00bs. Fidonet, TriBBS, Wildcat! Gopher... I miss you all, my dear homies. You were too young.

    Seriously, you had no idea what you were walking into, you didn't deserve that. Mostly it was humor. Hang around here long enough and you'll see how I act... Scroll back a couple of pages and look how I treated the last poor fellow who brought this thread back. I called for Gene to be banned! In any other thread... I like Gene. But in this thread, I would stab my own grandmother in the face.

    We're cool, man. :Handshake
  2. Jamie Miles

    Jamie Miles the road warrior

    Feb 8, 2005
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    Damn dude, that's deep.
  3. facelessnumber

    facelessnumber Drew Pittman

    Oct 4, 2007
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    '71 Grabber
    That's what she... Oh, nevermind. :rolleyes:
  4. Rando76

    Rando76 Member

    Apr 17, 2002
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    That's hilarious. :rofl: :biglaugh:
  5. klaatu42

    klaatu42 Member

    Jun 29, 2008
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    Glad I Came Back

    I'm glad I came back to check this thread today. Thanks for the response. Not many things get me feeling down, but for some reason our short exchange did.

    I think I'm just a little sensitive right now because I'm fresh off a break-up (5 years w/ step-kids and all) and I *just* moved out of my dream house (4 garages!) because I had to leave my woman for cheating on me.

    Yup, I know... "ouch".

    So now it's just me with my cats and one old Maverick in a small garage to keep me sane. I'm trying to keep Mav-related stuff as upbeat and happy as possible.

    Thanks for the follow-up.

  6. blugene

    blugene Senior member Supporting Member

    Jul 25, 2004
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    My ex cheated on me too. Not trying to stirr anything but in my world I would get rid of the cats before letting her go. ... then let her go.
  7. facelessnumber

    facelessnumber Drew Pittman

    Oct 4, 2007
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    '71 Grabber
    I am sorry for that, seriously. Sometimes when I get up on the pulpit and foam at the mouth, it's hard for someone to tell what the tone of my writing is. And you'd just have to understand the back story of this thread.

    That, really, sucks. Yeah I'd be sensitive too. I had an ex-wife, and she cheated. We weren't married long, (three years dating, couple of months married, then she decided she liked my best friend better) there were no kids, and the house was eventually foreclosed (got laid off, company folded, yay false dotcom economy!) so ultimately it was a clean break, a chance for a fresh start, and I never had to deal with her again. But in the beginning, I'd have to say I was pretty fragile. All of my carefully laid plans for the future, gone in an instant, lots of drinking, lots of "what's the point?" moments. In the end though, it was one of the best things that's ever happened to me. I'm in a good situation now, got a loving wife of 7 years and a son who thinks I hung the moon. As for her, karma took care of her.

    I think you'll come out better in the end, but this part's painful. I can't even imagine what it would have been like for me if kids had been involved. Hang in there man.

    I don't care what anybody else says about cats, the right cat can be one hell of a good friend. My 13 year old cat Chester has been with me through everything, and that animal knows things. His attitude toward my ex changed abruptly when she started cheating, and I'm convinced he knew before I did. He was nice to her at first. Then one day before everything came to light, he suddenly hated her. Bit her in the face a few times. He would sort laundry... Yeah. A pile of clothes in the bedroom floor. He would dig through it, smell each item to see whose it was. If it was mine, he left it alone. Hers, he made a new pile of her clothes, and crapped in it. I couldn't understand it. He'd never been a problem about using the litterbox before. I still feel guilty for scolding him when he did that. I should have listened to the cat.

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