I picked up an 89 Ford F150 last week and right now it has a 4 spd in it. But, it originally came with a 5 spd and I would like to put one back in it. I am just not sure of which ones will fit in it without a hitch. I heard something about a Mazda made 5spd that was supposed to come in them? I found a 92 with the same 4.9 liter and a 5 speed, but that one is 4wd and I am not surea bout it fitting? I am hoping that some of you guys that have been around the block a few times can help me out.
A friend of mine has one of those too. I am pretty sure that he mentioned that it was a Mazda transmission. Other than that, I don't know anything. Sorry, man.
Well that does help in confirming the hunch that I had. Somebody here will know for sure though. There are a lot of smart people on this forums.
I cant remember right off but, If you go to the bookstore or library and pick up the chilton truck book it has a listing of every transmission for all years that the book covers, it tell you all you need to know, as I said im not sure however, i seem to rember the 4 speed being a domestic unit maybe to ford made exactly. and it seems like the 5 spd was a mazda ZF? good luck library, borders, barnes and noble and even parts store got chilton ( although at autozone you have to sneek open the plastic wrapping)!
Cant really say that Borg Warner has been building transmissions in japan for year. In fact most of the Lexus SUV's have been using NSK warner transmissions since the 90's and my CJ has an axn nippendenso/warner transmission that they have been putting in jeeps since the late 80's early 90's. But most of the heavy duty manual transmissions are made by ZF for Ford and they are german. (oh and they also make the new corvettes transaxle so they cant be all that bad)
Didn't mean they were bad transmissions, or that Ford's the only company doing it... In fact I knew the mid-late 90's and up F150 had a Mazda 5-speed transmission 'cause I drove one around for a few years, no problems, actually liked the way it felt. Good, crisp shifts. I didn't think they were doing it as far back as 89 though. Always thought of those older ones as a tougher truck, so the word "Mazda" doesn't really some to mind when I think about drivetrain components in a true fullsize American truck. But hey I guess they get the job done. I sure put a lot of hard miles on one. Now, the Mazda automatic trans they put in the Contour and 626... That is another matter entirely.
The F150 5 speeds were both Mazda M5OD-R2's. It came in 2 & 4WD versions. And used on both the 300 six and V8's You can find both listed daily on Ebaymotors. The Mitusbishi transmissions were Ranger units.