I wanted my Grabber Blue since high school. No regrets. I love it. I really like this green combo though. Good choice. Yes I think we may be getting close to a Grabber Blue club.
You should try and keep an eye out for an NOS Stripe kit in that color... and see how well the Company matched the colors... didn't you say the stripes were custom ordered?
Green sales HAD a set, but i snooze i lose! someone snatched them! I sent them a sample of my OLD decals, im sure mine were faded a bit. the dark green stripe is RIGHT on the money! the lime green had faded and they said that the lime they matched was the closest that 3m had, so im sure the lime faded. CHaz.
Looks Great! I think that it matched up pretty well. I do feel that the broad stripe is a little darker than those that I have seen before in lime....but they could be faded. It looks good!
SORRY! Didnt see you message!!! I had a guy come out from FORD that does their decals, It cost me about $120.00 to have it done. If I had done it the decals would be CrooKEd as hell!!! LOL! Chaz.
car looks cool,I like the factory colors most of the time, glad you kept it green there just arent many out there that are/were green ...nice to be different, mine will stay green as well. congrats on an awesome job.
I used to be a sign maker... the secret is... DISH SOAP. A few drops of soap in a spray bottle of water, a clean surface (dust is a vinyl graphics enemy) and you spritz the area under the vinyl before laying it down... they can be repositioned until straight... once you squee-gee the water out the vinyl is stuck for good. The tape mask on top allows you to reposition without wrinkling the vinyl. But it is still something you need a little experience with. It's also easy to 'distort' graphics by pushing too hard. Large decals are best done with 2 people. My "Comet with the Maverick stripe" is actually VERY distorted since it was done by the dealership and they weren't professionals. But that's all part of my car's incredible charm. Glad to see they'll do custom colours because after my other "Lime Green" Comet is painted I want a custom black & red stripe too.
Neat colour scheme! Mine - like most - are light colours with blacked out rear ends - I really like the contrast of dark green with the bright lime rear end.... looks really sharp! But you're wrong about one thing... if you really love yer Mav it's NEVER DONE. There will always be something else you eventually wanna do.
I had the same problem... Sherwin Williams was no help with OEM colours, so I went to Rona and bought a gallon of CIL Marine Enamel in "Citrus Green"... it's VERY close to the 4E colour, or Grabber Green, or Bright Lime. For anyone else, Dupli-Color sells a "Grabber Green" engine enamel that I used to make colour swatches and match mine. My first batch of paint was wrong too, but the second one looks great so far.