it spins about half way and stops.... and it is a high stall torque converter.... should it spin freely and not stop???
With the converter nuts should be able to push/slid the converter away from the flex plate. If it doesn't move then the converter is not set all the way on the input shaft. Twist and wiggle it more untill it goes back another 3/8" or so
you should have no problem spinning the convertor when its in all the way, i never seen one where it required more force then 1 finger to spin
ray and i are going to tackle it this saturday... hes got a tranny the one i have needs to be replaced anyways...
Yep, you should be able to turn the converter with a finger or two to line up the bolt holes. If there is not any clearance for the torque converter studs to clear the flex plate and allow the converter to turn then the converter is not back far enough on the pump. I have seen the ears or bolt bosses of automatic transmissions get broken off by people trying to use the bell housing bolts to pull a tranny up to the engine when the torque converter wasn't seated correctly. If the torque converter doesn't spin once the tranny is pulled up to the engine then something is wrong. I always make sure the converter remains free or loose once the engine and tranny mate together. clint
ive never had a c4 converter be able to spin once the motor and trans are bolted together. the studs on the converter have to lined up with the holes in the flex plate for the trans to be able to mate up to the block. chevys use bolts and they will spin when there motors are mated to the trans.
ok guys... ray and i got it together today to find out i had a truck c4.... yeh i know... crazy!!! anyhow... we used the 75 maverick c4 and the 157 tooth flexplate so i guess we are ready to go for tomorrow...