I put a one wire alternator on my Mercury and it doesn't charge battery. Alternator puts out 14.5 volts is the alternator BAD! If not can you give ant ideas what to do to fix this problem?
Yes its a new marine battery because it had more cranking amps. The one wire goes to the pos. side of solenoid right
Yes I put a new marine battery in because it has more cranking amps. So do you hook it up on the pos. side of solenoid and it should charge right :bananaman
Yes, that is correct. But if you are showing 14.5 volts on the battery while the engine is running, the alt is doing it's job. What does the voltage drop to when you try to start? How new is this battery?
does your 1 wire alternator have an internal regulator? i had a similar problem and it turned out that the unit i bought was a 1 wire with no internal regulator in it.took me forever to figure this one out.
I didn't know there was such a thing as a one-wire alternator without an internal regulator. Trying to figure out how it could work.
i didn't either until i ordered a cheap one. guess i got what i paid for. i anded up ditching it and going to a gm 1 wire alternator. when a mechanic buddy tore it apart he found there was no regulator. with the engine running it would show putting out power but nothing would go to the battery. not quite sure how it was working either but i beleive i got ripped off.
14.5 is the normal max output.it should drop to 13-14 if the batt is fully charged.are you having a concern with starting?
if you have no regulator but some how got your alternator to produce a voltage it would be much more then 14.5v more like 45v. actually with no regulator it shouldn't make any voltage at all, if you only have one wire on it.
i can't explain it either. i just trust my friend when he said there was no regulator. as soon as i swapped units, the problem went away. just one of lifes mysteries i am not going to figure out.