I've uploaded a few pics from the Oklahoma mini-meet at the Hot Rods and Hot Air Balloons show on www.oklahomamavericks.com. Because of the wind, the hot air balloon activites were cancelled, but we still had a good show and fun lawnmower races.
I hated to miss it but we had a micro mini meet in Branson. Found Mark Griffith and a new guy and his family with a very low mileage 72 red grabber his name was Bryan. Also got a another Maverick for my birthday an orange 70. Trying to catch ya Randy
Nice pictures, thanks for posting them. I love that '73 front bumper, it looks so good to me as well as the rest of the Maverick! The others look great too.
looks like a great day for a show... the cars look good... ...that is some flat land you guys have out there... ...Frank...:Handshake
Thanks!! The yellow '72 Grabber is Steve's (PGARFDS). I heard through the Maverick grapevine that you were in Branson. Taking the family to Branson instead of hanging out with us in the 100 degree weather and wind. What were you thinking?? :confused: I have to come down soon and see this new buy. Thanks! It looks flat in the pictures, but this is actually a valley between hills. You can see some hills in the background of the last picture. By no means are these mountains, but they get bigger as you drive east towards Arkansas. NE Oklahoma is called "Green Country" because it is hilly and green, unlike a large part of Oklahoma, which is flat and windy.
Maybe if I come up there, the same will happen to the OKLA cars. Yes, it was a little weird.... :16suspect I still had a great time just hanging out with everybody! :Handshake
Yes, but it doesn't have to be. None of us agreed on how the judging went. But when Robert said "hosed", I don't know if he is talking about the judging or when my wife spit pop on he and his son when she was laughing.