On Sunday Aug 9, 2009 Larry Winter and myself decided to do the tour of the bone yards of Southern Ontario to see what we could see. Here's the old Ford beastie getting gassed up for the tour. .................................................... I myself have not been to a bone yard in a few years so i was thrilled to do the tour. We hit a few of the bone yards and found the usual stuff, old cars that were well beyond saving, and yes we even saw a few very dead Mavericks and Comets. We hit one yard in Halton Hills which i think is on it's last legs, it was not very big but had some cool stuff in it. This is where it gets good, we did find some Maverick bits and pieces, some of them were pretty much nothing more than scrap. A very dead Gremmy. Some hoods, the one hood with the strips was kinda cool. When we were there the sky started to go black and we knew the rain was going to start which has been pretty much how the damn weather has been in Southern Ontario in this lame duck summer of 2009. The rain was o.k. but when the lighting started oh nelly it was time to find some shelter before we got nailed by the lighting. This is where the Grabber van comes into the story. Since the rain was starting to come down pretty hard we took shelter in this nice near mint Ford van , as we were hauling out some crap from the van to make room guess what we came across that someone was i figure hiding inside and no it was not a dead hooker. We found a Grabber hood hid inside, i nearly fainted, the paint is beat, dull as it gets, it was dusty and dirty but dry, not mint but very useable. Someone is gonna be pissed when they go back to get it and it is gone. After it stopped raining we hauled it out along with all the other stuff and happily paid for everything. Here is the yard guy Jimmy Two Times (don't ask) seeing us off. The two of us hopped into the truck wet but happy and off we went to get something to eat. I just wonder how long that hood was in that old van? Since Larry has a mint Grabber hood on his Maverick and i had the money i ended up with the hood and we split the other stuff that was saveable. I'm just happy because now i have a pair of Grabber hoods to choose from when i get around to putting one on my Comrick. .............. ..... That was Larry and Comrick317's most excellent day at the bone yards.
WOW!! You did indeedy have a most excellent day. When I leave a bone yard, after a really good find, I always feel like I have to gain as much distance as I can in a hurry like someone will run me down and take the parts back. Really like the maple leaf logo - it did look like it was on the fence of the bone yard. LOL!!
Seems to me you had quite a week. A very "mini" meet complete with Hooter girls, a Johnny Lightning and a junk yard treasure or 2. This is what summer, cars and fun is all about isn't it?
I don't see that ever happening again. Anytime i ever go to a bone yard i will be going through all the old vans, trucks and dead mini vans , hell you never know what you may find. Oh and by the way i also need to thank my wife for having the brains as well as the good looks in the family cause she suggested i bring some bug spray and ----OH MY GAWD---- the mosquitoes were all over us, they nearly lifted us off the ground trying to drain us of our blood. I never heard a man yell and scream like a girl as much as Larry did , i on the other hand took it like a man.J/K . Larry only cried a tiny bit and i ran all the while screaming, "Get them off me, get them off, ahhhhhhhhh!!! " It was all worth it in the end though.
Great find! What're the odds? I guess the lesson is: when boneyard hunting, leave no van unturned...or at least unopened.