Hey i was just woundering how many kids are actually working on building mavericks on here? Im 16 and i always come on here and it seems to help alot. im just wanting to know how many kids are actually in to these cars. ive been working on mine since january 1st i actually bought it new years eve at 11 somethig so talk about an awsome first car for me. it only took 3 years to convince the guy of selling it. I got it for 310 bucks so im happy about that now i got an old 86 ho motor off of craigs list for 200 bucks but including the car and the motor and everything i bought for it im around about 1500 i think or maby 1800 some were around there. I had to get a job at pizza hut build this but im getting it done a little bit at a time and am hoping it will be running my november so we can take it to turky rod run at daytona. Maby just maby. But any ways id like to know how many other kids are out there doing what im doing and maby get so ideals off some of you. Thank you.
i'm 16. i got my mav for free when i was 14 or was it 13. anyways i've been addicted ever since...i do cleanup at my granparents shop.
what age specifies a "kid"? lol.... i'm 24 and have built a few, and im building one right now. and got lots of parts
yeah i got mine when well i guess i was 15 since my birth day is back in may but my dads friend was drag racing the mav for the past few years and cut a 14" circle in my hood for the air cleaner so now i need a hood scoop or a new hood. how dare him. ha the only way i got was that he need money to pay on his truck and he need it the next day so i guess i scored there. And now im going to go look at a 72 mav for part for my 74 i hope i can get it i want them small bumper!
Mavaholic, I believe it does count, I think you’re a kid until like age 26 or something close to that. I was 19 when I bought a 72 Comet Gt.
Does just getting your license and buying a Comet at 28 years old count? Yes, I procrastinate. Yes, i'm working on me car. But it's cool seeing 16 year olds, well anyone under 20 with a appreciation for classic cars. Because in who knows, 10 years everything is going to be hybrid and boring. We need to keeps these puppies alive.
I got mine when I was 15 but that was a long time ago. My son is 14 and he has one. (actually he claimed the 71 Grabber project, which is fine)
I got my mav when i as 15 as a roller with no brakes and it's taken me 3 years to get her on the road.
Haha, I got my mav when I was 16...I'm 25 now, but since jncastell said you're a kid until you're 26...I'm good to go!
I was 47 when I got my first Maverick & Comet bought them two weeks apart but I am still a KID right? .................... cus some of us never grow up...LOL
Got my first Mav in March 2005 when I was 17. It had been sitting for many years and I had to go through it front to back to get it going again. All new brakes, fuel lines, fuel tank, radiator, new lifters, push rods and valve seals in the engine, pulled the interior out and scrubbed everything since mice had been living in it. Put 10,000 miles on it and then total wrecked it in November 2005. Bought a rolling '72 body in December 2005 and swapped everything over to it, been driving it ever since, I'm 21 now. Been around these cars my whole life.
I am 18. I got my maverick when I was 16 and drove it daily for a year before I wore the 250 out. I started on the 5.0 conversion a couple months ago and now I have the car driving again but not tagged and insured
mine is an origanial 302 i still got the origanial but my dad bought a 86 ho i know the heads arent realy good but im going through puting a whole msd ignition system a edelbrock performer 650cfm car and a performer in take nothing to bad just enoffe to have a car thats better than all the stupid red neck chevys in school. they will never catch me. cant wait till i get her running its going to be so awsome i always wanted an old classic for my first car. as long as my dad dont get carried away with mods i think ill be good for my sr. year. im thinking about having the exhaust come out right before the rear tire comming right from header to glass pack the colecter on the headers are 3in so i want stay like that all the way through and there full tube so im hoping to get a good sound out of them any one done this? if so how does it sound? oh and does any one know were to get a gas tank for a 74 for just some strange reason mines gone lol. ha. and now i also need to find 2 drums for the rear brakes and redo all fule lines and brake lines. its going to like a brand new car. i cant wait till my dad get concret in the grage then maby we can get something done oh well it will be done ill never give up on it. mavs all the way