Oh ok I forgot cars.com is the Bible when it comes to everything automotive. And here I was just basing what I know off of what I see and deal with everyday working in a Nissan Dealership. Those "Japs" as so many like to refer to them, make more than just Toyota's as you pointed out. I bet you half of my cust base is 65+. I can't tell you how many come in with their WWII veteran tags and bumper stickers saying how they were B-25 or B-29 pilots during the War. And they personally tell me how much better a product Nissan is than the Chevy and Fords they use to own. That my friend is a fact! I guess I better call all the ads I've found and people I've talked to about 2jzgte engine tranny combo's found under 4-5grand and tell them they are liars. Sorry if I find better deals than you. And no Im married, just bought a house a few months back, and were expecting.
i have also noticed alot of old veterians (probably spelt wrong) going torward forgien cars... mabey because of the way they were treated in vietnam??? (not ww2)
I wont lie. When i see a Chevy moter in a ford car, my mouth goes sour. But, whatever floats their boat I 'spose.
I say build it any way you want. Why should I care, it is not my car. I currently own 7 Ford products, and one (95 SHO) is powered by a Yamaha built V6. So technically it is a Japanese powered Ford, from the Factory. Why not I am half Japanese myself.
One of my goals is to someday put a small block Ford with "Powered By Ford" valve covers in a 69 Camaro RS/SS and take it to car shows. :evilsmile
I had a SR20DE engine in my Nissan 200SX SE-R and it rocked! It had a decent amount of torque and was able to take a beating.
Um guys I don't know anything about that camaro. But chevy did make their own version of a 302 just an FYI.