About 1/4 mile from my house a yellow and black (original I think) 73 Comet Gt appears alongside the road for sale. I stopped to look at it and the interior is almost perfect. Floor shift auto, I'm 99% sure a 302. it has dual exhaust. I started to lift the hood but the hinges were so bad the back of the hood dropped and it felt like I may bend it so I just left it alone. Left side rust in the usual places QP, Door, fender, a Halo top with some rust bubble at least one through and a towel on the drivers side floor indicating that probably a cowl leak. I didn't look under. I figured I'd call and see how much first. To put it in perspective I have spent 4 summers on the 74 comet I have now and it started out looking better then this one cancer wise. well I called and he wants 6500 but will take no less then 6,000. he kept talking about how it's an antique and he has won awards for most original. The interior sure was pretty and it was complete but from what I saw compared to what I saw on mine and know how much was hidden on mine I don't think 6,000 is anywhere near a reasonable amount. I'll post images when I figure how to get them from my cell phone to here. If anyone is interested I can give you the #'s they are partially blocked on the windshield and no area code shown Edit just a couple quick cell phone images
It photographs real well anyway. On left side bottom of Q is all bubbled, rocker, door, and dogleg of fender the same. maybe ten bubbles under the top and one has poked a hole through the vinyl top. that one is about 1/2 dollar size. again towel on drivers side floor may indicate cowl leak. He kept saying it was original paint which most probably is but it appeared to me that left fender was a slightly different color. Ineterior is great looking at least through windows with glare.
You know what, people who obviously don't know much about these cars and older cars in general(ones that are not rare) love to put such ridiculous price tags on it because they are older cars. Look at this Comet that this person is selling --> http://cnj.craigslist.org/cto/1292611021.html He honestly feels it is worth that much and you can obviously tell by the ad the person selling it has no idea about it. They just look at it as "hey it's old so it must be worth something!"
car doesnt look too bad in the pictures but from the way u talk about the bubbling paint and everything, probably around a $3500 car IMO
Your right-it phtographs well, but with your description...? Say, wasn't someone selling a donor roof here recently!? As far as original paint....I have still yet to talk to ANYONE who remembers seeing a GT with a black painted scoop from the factory. Seth
You may be right, I didn't pay much attn to it but the scoop appeared to be repainted. I had assumed maybe stress cracks repaired or something and given most of the car appeared to be original paint I didn't knock off many points for that I guess to be fair, I am judging the rust based on the little I saw on mine and how much was actually underneath. this shows more but that doesn't mean it isn't much worse then what's shown. I suspect he wouldn't approve of me trying to jab a screwdriver though it to find out though. The towel on the drivers side floor also raises huge concerns. I have repaired one and feel I have done my fair share of spotweld drilling to last me many more years.
I know a guy that was looking at this car about 2 monthes ago. Seems like he told me it had low miles , like 40k . Guess he didn't buy it . He showed me some pics but i haven't seen it in person. That is a lot of bucks. Hey Ingroller , I'm kind of new here ,it's nice to see another "Richmond area owner".
Hi Lou'sdad, when I went out to my job yesterday it was not out so no more pics yet. I have only seen 4 in this area in 5 years. Counting this one. One was a grabber at Reams RD and Courthouse RD about 5 years ago for sale I remember it looked pretty beat but I didn't have the knowledge about these cars I do now so really didn't know the problem areas to look at and I thought the guy wanted too much for what I was looking at. This car has been sitting maybe 2-300 yards from where that grabbber was so maybe same owner. I also see a small bumper Mav driving in same area. I think blue but haven't seen it in a year. North of town I saw a Mav sitting in a parking lot by a Fondue resturant (We were taking my sister in law out so don't know what else was in that shopping CTR) and North of town, I forget but maybe Glen Allen I saw one parked in what looked like employee parking of a Road/driveway paving company. I have yet to meet any owners in this area. I did drive down to Charles City to look at some cars. One guy had 2 for sale but parts I needed were either in rough shape or gone. That was about 2-3 years ago. My industry ( Like a lot of others) has been way down for last 4-5 years and I now contract out to a couple other companies to help keep the bills paid until my business comes back. But lack of funds also make makes some things that I may have thought were OK deals 5 years ago seem a whole lot less appealing.
all of the rust appears to be roof, and left side. Maybe cowl? I felt more bumps then show in the images. good news is Torq boxes looked very solid. It's a great car but I know how much rust can be hiding under the vinyl roof and about 10 or so spots poking up a good bit (worst 2 shown). I also know how much can be hiding under a little bit of paint bubble. Since I have never met the seller in person I haven't done much more then run my hand over so I really can't say how bad it may be. Also towel on drivers side floor could mean big hassle. I I ran my hand under hood lip best I could and did not feel any rust. I could be a great car for someone but $6,000 worth? I have owners # if anyone wants to persue this.