Should I find it odd that I desprately want a under-dash 8 track player for my '75 Comet, when cd players and mp3 players are so much cheaper and reliable lol
Not really...Its a period correct piece and would look cool.Its an interesting conversation piece too.
Yah thats what I figure, think I was born at the wrong time cause I love all that old stuff, just hard to come by anymore though, not even sure where to search for that sort of thing.
Yes...My Stallion I just bought has a factory am/fm 8-track and it's not an under dash. I had to go scrounge up some old 8-tracks and it works great!
i was stripping some parts off a comet out in the woods and when i pulled up the drivers seat there was an 8-track hose clamped to the bottom lol!
Umm...kinda off topic, but did Mav's ever come with casettes? Because I know they were starting to come out around then... And I think the 8-track would be cool...nostalgia baby!
No not at all!!! Go for it, i think it's very cool, there is something really cool about having an old 8-track that still works. I still like my old cassette deck and keep taking all the working ones from any cars i scrape so i will have a good supply of them down the road. I still want to also add an 8-track player to the Comet. And the tapes for them up here they are pretty much giving them away at the swap meets. Hey everyone wants new, new, new, everyone but i!
My brother's '72 Grabber came with an 8 track. My mom has a crap load of 8 tracks (and 45's), so I swiped a Led Zepplin and The Cars 8 tracks, and it works great. It was pretty funny. Terry's '69 SS 396 Camaro also has an 8 track in it. No idea if it works, but the FM tuner on it does.
I like them myself! Until recently I still had an 8 track tape stereo in my garage. Unfortunately it decided to fry something internal and is not repairable. As for finding one, they're available on eBay right now. I saw both the radio and under dash units less than an hour ago on there actually. -Scott H.
Back in '02, I bought a brand new AM/FM/8 track stereo unit on Ebay. It has the advantage of modern radio reception so that I can actually pick up stations and true stereo with the tunes. I also bought an 8 track recorder and several blank tapes, along with several collections of 8 tracks on Ebay, totaling nearly 300 tapes. I also have an adaptor that allows you to insert a cassette into an 8 track player to play cassettes in it. My son would record modern music on the blank 8 tracks and we installed the unit in his red '69 XR7 conv I gave him for his 16th birthday. The kids at school did not know what the unit was and when it started playing the new music, they freaked out. Talk about retro!! We later took the unit out and I saved it. When I recently finished my Dk Aqua Metallic '69 XR7, I installed the unit in it. Now, I get to reminisce the old college days and listen to Iron Butterfly, Neal Diamond, Chicago, Credence Clear Water, and others. I had a portable 8 track under the dash in my '65 Mustang that I hooked with a reverberator to simulate stereo in the car in school. Cool times!!! Jim Found this place here but 170 seems a bit steep but I may go for it anyway cause they pretty much restore them before sending them off to you, got my eye on a deep purple 8 track there sellin too, lol. Forgot to add my head unit now is a tape deck, but alas the tape part don't work but the radio works great.
GO for it. I planned on installing one in my car right from the beginning. Just havent stumbled across one yet. I'm sure I'll find one at a swap meet or something.