I have seen several of the Maverick drawings in the gallery, but I am unable to find just the blank black & white line drawing in there. Does anyone know where it is located or has a copy they can e-mail me? I'm wanting to print out a couple of copies of it to use for figuring out a paint job on my Comet. -Scott H.
Here is one a blank one with no wheels for ya! Thanks for all the comments guys! Keep em coming! Scott Attached Thumbnails try this,found it in another post.
if you have a picture in mind that you want to color give me a link to it and i'll photoshop it into a pencil drawing
Thanks guys! I knew there was something available on here but couldn't find / figure it out. That was what I was looking for. I guess I was looking in the wrong place. Let me go through my pictures and I'll get back to you. I used to have photoshop a long time ago (version 5 I think? ) but never could get it to work on my old computer without it crashing. -Scott H.
Thats a blank drawing I used to work on graphic designs for my Maverick. If you'll look under my name, you can get to my gallery where there are some designs I posted on here. Glad to help out another Scott on the boards!! Scott
Thank you! That looks GREAT! If you could do a pure side and 3/4 rear shot I would be very appreciative! Have you thought about doing a set for the Maverick owners too and uploading them to the gallery? I'm willing to bet they would be appreciative also. Thanks again, -Scott H.
Ooooh, they look good, would you mind doing a profile render of my car Matt? (I need a basis for painting ideas)
i have the perfect drawing for you but it is to big to put on here,if you want i can email it to you.tomorrow i will try to make it smaller so i can post it here foranyone who wants it.