I recently cut my v-8 front coil springs and got the stance I was looking for. My problem is the left front spring seems to sag alittle more than the right. I installed rubber blocks to try to stiffin' it up, but when cornering (hard right) it's hitting the fender well. Has anyone tried the 1" lowering springs (620's I believe there called) that are made for the Mustangs? What year Mustang springs should I order to match the Maverick application?
I would start off with drop spindles if you cut or heat your springs to lower you car it causes your wheels to slant inwards. If your looking for a high back end its just easyer to put another leaf or get your leafs arked so they make the rear higher.
I believe the 67-73 mustang springs will fit post 72 Mavericks. You can find out by looking up stock springs and comparing the part numbers.
Yes, I checked the Mcquay-Norris bible and the part number is the same. 67-73 Mustangs with 302 and all Mavericks.
Just don't buy the springs I did. It sat up like a 4x4. I cut 1/2" a coil and bended the wire level and straight and it's still too high for me.