ive had this 75 mav for about 2 months now. its a true v8 car w/ a/c ps disc brakes etc. first off it pulls to the left but its not the alignment. all bushings are good too. had it chcked out. i think maybe a caliper isnt working or something. ( second) ive had 2 fires under this car because power steering lines are popping. replaced them all. but it wines like a damn girl. maybe i should replace the pwr steering pump! (3rd) the car is hard to start and when i give it gas it wants to stall out so i have to feather the gas to get it going. if i floor it itll die especialy when cold. it wont just start up and run i have to keep reving it till itll idle then let it warm up, and its not even cold out. 4th back to tje brakes. it seem to dive in the nosse but the back shoes look new they look a little glazed but still new. my ebrake does not work at all and this car has 65,200 original miles. i know what to expect from a 5.0 mustang but this is a low mileage car. were these things just not built well and 65,000 actualy a high mileaege for nand time to rebuild or do i have a lemon, it is yellow. it also will run sluggish as hell and ive cleaned the #4 plug twice already. im gonna put new plugs in it this weekend. anyway should i just sell this thing or part it out or?
wakywaco; neither...fix the problems one at a time. I would go for the engine first. Sounds like an accellerator pump diaphram, and you can get them at Autozone for about $4.00. Next, get the power steering under control. Replace the pump and lines, make sure it bleeds itself out, and it should be good to go. Once you get the car where you can start and drive it, carefully diagnose the brakes, and fix what you have to. These cars are getting rare and hard to find, and they are great little cars once you get them where they are dependable. If it is too much to handle, sell the car, but don't send it to an early grave. Good luck, and we are always here to help. Earl
With the e-brake there's only a few possibilities: either the cables/e-brake linkage inside the drum has something wrong/disconnected/mis-adjusted, or the brakes are way out of adjustment. If the self-adjusters have not been doing their job, the rear brakes won't stay adjusted properly, and the ebrake cable may not move the shoes enough to engage the brake.
How much will you take for the"ugly beast" as is? I'll come get it in a heart beat unless Rick Book is interested. Sounds like only minor repairs needed on the 30yr old gem.
That's a really nice looking car! By your description I was thinking it was a junker. Keep it and fix it man! I just noticed something I haven't seen before on a Mav... check out the seat belt guide on the driver's seat. I'd have bet it was added on but the color is so close. Was this factory??? Again, never seen it before. Sam
i think they are, your the second guy to qoute on them today sam man= I just noticed something I haven't seen before on a Mav... check out the seat belt guide on the driver's seat. I'd have bet it was added on but the color is so close. Was this factory??? Again, never seen it before this car is original everywhere except the hubcaps
wkaywaco.... Don't sell her!! When I bought my '73 it looked the same way only ugly Gold Glow paint with gold interior. A total grandpa's car. With 54,900 original miles. She ran good for a while but being a daily driver time caught up with it. You just have to bite down and work with it. Don't fall into the trap and buy a new nonUSA car. I've have my Maverick for two years now. I drive it everywhere I go although it's not grandpa's car anymore.
i had the same problem with mine. my idle stop solenoid was garbage, but once i replaced it, my it kept my idle in check. mine dies if you put the pedal to the floor and its still cold or if the carbuerator is maladjusted and its running to rich, so you may want to check that out too.