Someone at work got a new Challenger today and its the first one I've seen up close. The front really looks great and it got me to wondering what our Mavs would look like with a Challenger type grill and lights so I got my 13 year old to help me roughly chop in one on an pic I had. I like it but wondered what you guys think and how in the world would you modify or make something like this?? Chime in and let me know what you think!! Scott
I think that looks pretty cool. You'd probably have to first start with a flat sheetmetal replacement for the grille and headlight surrounds. Then cut the center out to accept a challenge type billet grille. I think it looks do-able though.
Man why do you guys all want to make your fords look like Dodges thats about as bad as that green maverick that has been on ebay a few times.
thats the thing about mavericks. theres so many ways to make them look different that still look good and generally will be accepted. you try to change a camaro to look more like a challenger or a mustang to look like say a firebird with the whole bird decal and a pointed front end. anyways thats just random combos. if you take any of those overly-done cars, you can't change it too much or people will call you a heratic and have you burned at the stake. with a maverick, change is accepted, tolerated, and sometimes even an improvement to some people. besides, nobody knows what they are anyways, ( i think that may be why we can change em so much) whats the harm in aiding their confusion? (insert michief-maker-type laugh here.)
I like it but i would keep it still looking like a Maverick but with a Comet rear end. Call me crazy but that's just me.
Certainly, the Comick is the best of both worlds. Agressive rear looks with sexy front looks. It's the way to go with these cars. Keep it in the family (FoMoCo).
An improvement is exactly what I think this would do! There are so many people out there that just don't see the potential in our little cars! As for the comment about making it look like a Dodge, so what? Style is not limited to a name brand and if you look at 60's and 70's cars you can see where Ford, Chevy and Dodge borrowed looks from other brands ie: louvers, spoilers, scoops and such. I've already borrowed ideas from other cars such as T-bird taillights, Trans-Am side marker lights on my car and I'm going to look the Challenger over because I see a potential there for the front grill and especially the rear spoiler on our cars! I don't plan on any markings on my car, I want people to ask what it is and see their mouths drop open when I tell them its a Maverick. On another note, do any of you body guys see a way to get this kind of look?? I figure if you can French in headlights on 50's cars you could do something like this on ours and drop down a lip across the headlight that lines up with hood maybe. Lights and grill would have to fitted somehow also. Seems like I have these Foose ideas once in a while but I have no idea how to make them work!! Thanks for the comments and keep em coming!! Scott