I found some old pics and here is my first. A 71 Comet Gt, dark green. Also is a pic of Bucky as she's leaving the stable on friday night. 33 yrs. Parts from the GT drove out of the drive installed in Bucky. Hopefully it isn't my last...
How retro is that. Chrome 5 spoke wheels and a Gran Torino in front. Grew up workin on Torinos. Had 73 Torino 302 with a 3 speed manual on the column. Bought it off the original owners son. His dad waited months for the car due to the special order for the column stick shift. I should have kept that car. We took the front clip off it then sold it for parts. DUH!! I hope you dont regret selling the car Zac. Then again a new chapter might be fun. We may be making a US trip in the future to get you a car. I'm going to that show in Paris on the 20th at the fair grounds if you want to stop in a check out the cars.
Oh Zac that is one painful picture to see. I have had my Comet for half the amount of time you had your Comet and that would just about kill me to see it leave my driveway, sorry i just could not do it. I hope you told the new owner about this board and about us, maybe he might hang around and when you get your new Comet the both of you can join us for our next mini meet, cruise or trip to hooter's with your Comets. ......................HERE'S TO BUCKY
Oh I have told him alright. Him and his 2 brothers now have at least 4 Comets and Mav's in their family. He added 2. Painful is softly describing the moment. All my son said was "damn" when he seen the safety slip. He did get to drive it, by himself, since I'm outta town working, back and forth to get the exhaust installed. I know he liked that. As for the Torino, it was my mom's. My wife now, owned it before my mom. It also had an 8 track installed "in" the dash. I'm always on the look for a deal so you never know. i'd even buy a Mav...
Yeah buy a Maverick........... or a Comet............. anything just someday get back in the game cause you need to cruise with a Maverick or a Comet. Plus in the dead of winter it's nice to look in your garage and see your toy, it help to ease the winter blues.
I watched a blue 68 GTO leave like that, it was the car we got married in and I had just bought a 69 GTO Judge but the Judge has never replaced the 68 in my wife and I's eyes, that was 20 years ago and still miss that car!
Something seems familiar here.....pic on right is 1973,(notice the Keystones) pic on left is 36 years later,only I'm not selling this one! Cool pics,good luck to ya!
I still wish i kept my 1967 Mustang and it was a bit of a beater, man do i have some memories in that car. Here is a picture of a 1967 Mustang that is green like my old one but is not my car. Only mine was not a fastback like this one.
Darren, I just noticed that suggestion you made. Could you imagine how much ruckus, er I mean fun, we all could have on a road trip to bring back a car. Larry could be the lookout for the "heat", Comrick the "official" pictographer, you as the "wheel" man and I as the "money" man. I don't know if a motley crew like us would even get across the border. I did see that one Mav on here from New York. I almost thought about giving it a try and contacting the guy. Then again it would be sweet to find a buy like Dave did. What a score that would be.