Your car looks great either way! but the stripe color is deffintly way too green and too bright.... i blew up the picture of your original hood and matched it with that picture i posted and the colors match perfectly, your original Stripes were a little bit faded but the green that they made for you isn't correct. Your car looks good though and its a Grabber so thumbs up.
I like restorations to be correct and that's part of the problem with today's aftermarket parts houses for our cars....Phoenix Graphics needs to sell correct parts, restoring a car back to factory takes a lot of time and money.
I looked on their site, it doesn't say anywhere that they are licensed by Ford, which is tough to get licensed. Not that someone couldn't make them 100% correct, and not be licensed, but if they were, Ford would check the product before they were allowed to sell it.
I see the difference now its pointed out. The color is off for sure from the original. I you want a correct original stripe do it. Spend the money and have it re-done if its bothering you. I like it, its very bright. I wouldnt change it if it was mine. I did my car how I wanted it to look not how Ford wanted it to look. Who's to say the way Ford built it is the right way. Always room for improvement. Depends which route you take when you build your car I guess.
not necessarily..... I parted out a '71 that had the name cut out that would have been "correct" for a '72. the car was a medium blue '71 with white/silver reflective stripes.....
but yeah. to sum it up it's not exactly correct but i think it looks great! i wouldnt change anything about it :Handshake
Chaz........I think it looks GREAT the way it is. I would keep it the way it is. Stripes fade quicker than paint anyway. (Could be factory correct in a few years if you keep it outside .) J/K. Really I was going for an Grabber Blue when I paint, but your car is making me rethink. Unless you are going to show the car as a complete OEM car.......don't worry about the lettering. If you do, the way alot of these shows go, according to the judges, you may have the cleanest NOVA at the show.
Dude...It looks awsome!!! I know. YOU know its wrong...Look what it took for a bunch of Mav afficinados to pick up on it .Dont sweat it man. The car looks top notch.As for the colors...Like I said before...Outside of those of us who know these cars...Whos' gonna notice.It looks flippin beautiful!!! Just enjoy the fruits of your labor for a while.Worry about the stripes another day.