I was going with a much brighter yellow but that picture makes me think twice about my choice. What is the year and code on that paint?
Dave, I love the picture. I love you guys!!!!! Thanks!!! I went on a local cruise with Spookie tonight and a girl fell in love with him and begged me to date her. She was very persistant so I had to tell her I had a girlfriend. She did not care, she wanted Spookie. Some guy spent a half an hour taking pictures of Spookie while I was hanging out with some friends a few cars away just watching. When I made it back to Spookie he begged me to let him sit in it and he wanted me to sell Spookie to him. He did not name a price and I told him it was not for sale. Dave, I would never sell Spookie without giving you first choice. John, I got your text the other day, sorry I didn't get back to you but I must say you made me laugh hard. I had to crank up some Stranglehold!!