With a little fancy jack work, they all fit. everything is ready for winter. Now to start the addition I might have a problem.....
I would take either a nice garage or nice winter.... ,but at least I do have a shop I can go to with lifts when I have to work on it. some projects though I would like to have my own space so it could sit apart for more than a day or two. hmmm, maybe with a lift?
Winter??? Lots of good weather left yet. Dont rush it. Where you going to put the snow blower????? I havent figured that one out yet. The Mav will just fit in the garage but not sure about the snow blower. Its a 12 hp 30". May have to trade it for a smaller one.
wow that looks a lot like my garage i have my 36 stude against the wall the comet in the middle and my wife parks her car in there too. so very little room to walk around things but at least they are out of the weather
Excellent picture ... By what is typical in my area of Florida, that would be a 2.5 car garage that you have three cars in.... but then again, we don't have to store snow blowers, dog sleds, ice fishing equipment, etc ...