relaced a broken tranny line when it broke during a radiator change. now the tranny wont engage. reverse is fine but takes alot of reving to get the car rolling. do i need to check the torque converter fluid level. if so how do i do that with it still installed. many thanks
Check the tranny fluid with the car running, in park. Trans fluid needs to be hot to get an accurate reading on the dipstick. If you didn't add trans fluid when you fixed the line you're low on fluid for sure. You can check it cold just to see if there's fluid on the dipstick, but you need to be cautious to not overfill.
Doesn't too much fluid also cause problems? I would check and make sure you didn't put too much transmission fluid in there, someone else can probably expand on that.
thanks, so for problem #2. the son in law has lost the sip stick. i talked with a local tranny shop who suggested putting in 5 qts after the filter change.
Yes, too much fluid is just as bad, that's why caution is advised. Sorry to say but you really do need a dipstick.
thanks Dan, emptied the tranny put 2 then added 1 more qt. still wont engage. If it is revved real high it will SSSLLLOOWWly engage. I am at a loss
Without a dipstick to make sure you're really shooting in the dark. Hopefully one of the trans gurus will chime in, my GUESS is that it will take another quart or so. Maybe add a half quart at a time and see how things work?
here is a problem that I've had happen to me before and have heard others describe. sometimes in an older transmission when you change the oild and put fresh stuff in (which has lower viscocity) then the tranny starts slippiing. that's why some people add the lucas additives hoping to make the tranny oil thicker. So maybe that's what happened to you. either way that's a sign of needing a new transmission. However, that's just my understanding of it. Wait and see if someone else has anything different to say. I remember when my tranny on my 85 bronco was going out I had to rev really high to get it to go and I knew it was the end of her.
thanks alot, i had some vac lines disconnected before all this started. i must have not conected one of them. i have an extra line dangling out of the fire wall to the pass. side of the motor. i thought it was a heater line since the heater is removed. I really need a diagram or pics.
Keep adding type F fluid, 1/2 qt at a time, with the engine idling in Park until the transmission engages. Then add1/2 qt more. Get a dipstick and make a FULL mark on it where it meets the pan and case flange. fill it to that mark only when it is hot. Filling it cold keep it 1/2 to 3/8" below the FULL mark.