Hello: I have a VIN for my 98 year old father's original Comet: 3K31L567809. Would a kind soul please help me decipher the code. His car sits in his garage about 2,000 miles from my home and is cared for by my sister. I told her I'd do some checking.
Welcome to the board. Check out this site http://home.comcast.net/~petebre/maverick/decode/1973.html Might be of some help to you. Not sure if the comet stuff is the same? I'm sure someone else will chime in. Yep, it is.
Welcome! Where are you in Oklahoma? Decode on 3K31L567809 3: 1973 K: Kansas City Assembly Plant 31: Comet 2-door Sedan Standard L: 6-250 - 1 bbl - 88-93 Horsepower
Thank you! Thanx folks for the prompt and courteous reply. While I live in Edmond OK, the car is in my 98 year old Dad's garage in Oakland CA. My sister would like it out of his place as he's in assisted living and we are placing the home on the lease market. So..., should I have the '73 brought here? Sell it in CA? Drive it cross country? It's never been in a significant accident other than a slightly dented rear quarter panel when Dad at age 95 misjudged a zig for a zag putting her back into the garage. If brought here, any recommendations on a superb, reliable mechanic to get her back into interstate highway shape? Or, if driven X-country, anyone have a great mechanic in the SF Bay Area? Currently, with a three car garage, my wife thinks my 1970 MGB roadster might have to dwell in the gloom of night on the driveway. Finally, if only occasionally driven, I'll need advice on how to maintain an infrequently driven Comet. Lots of questions folks. But answers are greatly appreciated! Dave
First of all, do you plan on keeping it? If so, I would guess that you would want it here. If you aren't hauling or driving it back yourself, there are shipping companies that can haul it for you. A friend of mine had a Maverick shipped from Utah to near Tulsa for a little over $600. Now, that's been 3 or 4 years ago, so I'm not sure what the current rates are. If you are driving it back, make sure and take a box of basic tools with you just in case you need them. I'm sorry, I don't know any mechanics in the OKC area. These cars don't require much maintenance really. I guess that's why they were labeled "the simple machine". I think you'll find it to be less than the MGB. If you do bring it back here (or even if you don't), you're invited to join us on our next meet. It seems we get together a few times a year. Watch this board for updates. Besides a posting, I usually send a message out to those on the board that I know are close by. I look forward to seeing pics!