Discovered this place in 1998 and lurked for a few months, and I think I posted somewhere for the first time later that year.
Since 2005, found it in a weird way. One day i just typed shelby ford maverick into google, i didnt even know of the mexican one. i just typed it in just because of boredom, then i found that huge thread on the car and the rest is mmb history...
wow.... i would say that you have successfully built THE Maverick/Comet forum site ever to grace the internet :Handshake
Wow, 1996.....dial up days, we sure didn't have what we've got these days...we were still using film cameras in 96.
Feb. 13 2007, We had a really bad ice storm in iowa and we had my grandpa over at my house because the power went out, the original owner of my car, and we talked him into selling it to me for $400. I joined later that week and got the car home later that spring.
11/25/2004 Had just bought my Comet with the Grabber hood. One year later on Dec 31, 2005, I bought my Maverick from Clint Deal. Turned the Comet rust bucket into a parts car and been working on the Mav ever since.
I never join anything and really suck at makin friends.I keep to my self(exept wife and cars ). this is the only place I like to go,:sometimes:I work all the time,it keeps me focused.I enjoy hearing what everyone has to say on our little cars,and i like to see people so loyal to them. I work all the time