I have a gap between the silver windshield frame and the black windshield gasket. I believe water is getting in there. Is there any product or any ideas on how to fill this area in or repair it?
Before you start trying to fix the seal, pour some water down the cowl vents just to make sure they aren't leaking instead. Rusty cowls are a common problem in these cars unfortunately. -Scott H.
As mentioned above, cowl leaks are common, but so are windshield leaks. You can test both by pouring water around each (into the vent slats to check the cowl). If your windsheild gasket is leaking, the best fix is to have a glass service pop the windshield out, install the a new gasket, and reinstall the windshield. I think I have seen gaskets available for about $70. I have only had bad luck trying to do any fixed glass stuff myself, and I will dive into almost anything else on a car mechanically. If you are thinking of replacing your headliner, this would be the time to do this also, as you get better results happen with the front and rear glass out of the car. If you have a windshield leak in a small area, and you do not want to go all out and get a new gasket, there is a product called "flowable silicone" that can run up to a couple of inches to seal leaks. Have something inside the car to catch it if it comes in. A gap between the chrome and the gasket is not necessarily an indication of where the gasket can be leaking. It is normal for it to stand proud of the gasket. More likely the gasket has a split that needs to be sealed up. Don't try to fill up all the empty space around the trim ... might make it a hassle to remove later. BTW, where are you at in FL? I live in Dunedin, just north of Clearwater.
Thanks for the info! We are in Orlando and got caught in one of those nasty thunderstorms we have here. This was the first time it's gotten wet and now we're checking to see where certain areas inside got wet and where it's coming from. Don't have the funds to do anything major. We have a cowl cover over the cowl, so that area was fine. Also had some water in the trunk.