Hey!! It's that time again! Last year we had 6 Mavericks there and had a Maverick Class. We had both of Rick Book's cars and he flew in from Singapore. We also had Doug's Dragonfly. It was a great time! Think of it as theTexas Mini Meet 2. We would like to invite anyone from this board to our 3rd Annual GCC Car Show in Katy, Texas, To be held Saturday, October 17th from 9:00AM to 2:00PM. Registration is $15 and includes a commemorative T-Shirt. Trophies will be awarded to the best in each category The location is Grace Christian Church located at 2001 Greenbusch Rd in Katy TX 77494. Please visit us at http://www.gracechristian.cc/CarShow.html to register your car! For questions you can email us at gcc.carshow@gmail.com
I got the hooker headers on the four door and have it running pretty good. I also picked up another 71 2 door in decent shape. Now I finally have cars for each of my boys. It will be great to have both your cars this year. Pass along the info to your brother and nephew. I am hoping to have over 100 cars this year.
I may be in. I may need to hitch a ride with Ed (fan2488). Had a good time last year. Hope to make it.
I got a new non-leaky transmission. So hope to be able to drive it up this year!!! Just need a cool-ish weekend (coolish around here means less than 107 heat index) so I can swap the trans out one afternoon.
I will be there! Dockelly (Brian) plans on caravanning with me from Austin. For those who missed the show the last two years, have missed a really great show!
Brian will be bringing his pretty '73 LDO. I plan to bring my daughter's black Grabber clone. Looking forward to seeing you all!
We are in! Got the trans installed and appears to be working well, so hopefully we can drive it up without mishap!
Okies? Hmmmm. I don't know. Maybe just this one time... SURE!!! Come on down! Cleveland will be about an hour drive. Get on 59 south, to I-10, go west 30 minutes or so, and you are there! Cleveland is my old stomping ground (actually grew up in Dayton, next town south). What are you doing there?