Got the formula ... Driven Gear = (Drive Gear Teeth * Axle Ratio * Tire Revolutions per mile) / 1000 How can I tell how many drive gear teeth my Tranny has? It is a Toploader ... do Toploaders have a standard number of teeth?
I think they all use a simular gear for the speedo. I know dealership has up to a 21 tooth in stock, but bigger is an aftermarket deal. The local speed shop here has them, but you might check Tranny shop for them as well.
Well I have been researching and found out they have either a 6 or 7 tooth gear. They are color coded so I guess I gotta take a peek in the hole and see if I can see it. I need either a 16 or 19 tooth gear depending on the color I find ...
I did not know that they could get them through the aftermarket but I put in the biggest one that Ford had available and I am still 4-5 mph off. I think the color mine is was purple or maybe blue been a few years since I changed it but the original was a white color