well, ive had my 74 maverick for about one month now and I cant tell you how many times already somebody somewhere out in public has asked me that question -> hey mister, is that a NOVA? Sorry kid, its a Maverick (go home and ask your dad what that is). What Im rrreally luvin is all the head turns my Maverick gets as Im cruisin down the road! Now Ive had some really cool classic cars in my hayday but Im luvin this Maverick BIG TIME! Here's my shortlist of previous street machines Ive owned - 62 v8 nova, 67 firebird, 69 roadrunner, 67 GTO, 68 satellite, 74 v8 vega, 79 trans am, and my MOST FAVORITE was my 67 mercury cyclone gt (w/390 and 4 speed tranny). I just wanna say that Im luvin everything about my first Maverick! It looks cool, it runs good, it rides and steers great, Im super comfy inside (and Im 6'-3" and weigh 275). I cant seem to NOT luv anything about it except the fact that Im still raising the cash to do the v8 motor swap! Obviously Ive had some cool rides, but man this Maverick ROCKS! Cant wait to see what evolves after the v8 swap. This is gonna be FUN!
yah i am '6 7'' 260 and was suprised of the leg room i have / it dose have different seats but i bought it off a '5 8'' guy /// and i get looks/do i want to sell it --- all the time especially since i put dual exhaust out the side
Ya see you can't go wrong when you drive a Maverick or a Comet, people for the most part love different. I know i love it!!!
'67 Mercury Cyclone gt? Man, that's awesome!! Quite a rare beast - only a handful of '67's were built, it was the last year of the first gen. Comet before the switch over to Cougars. My FIRST car in high school was a 1966 Comet - 4 door, 289 auto, nothing special, but I loved that car. I have been looking for another one for some time now, they are not exactly what i would call "plentiful". Chris
first week of driving mine it was a mustang. looked at the kid like he was stupid. nah man. its a maverick. he ran off to tell his coworkers what it was to look smart.
Several years ago I told the two young kids that asked me what year my badass Camaro was that it's a 1964. Obscure muscle rocks!
Mines been called Pinto, Nova, Mustang, Camaro, AMX, and on and on. Was sitting at a red light one day and guy next to me goes "What year is that, '65?". I was like nope, '72. He gave me a funny look when I told him that, and the light went green before I got a chance to ask him what kind of car he thought it was. Probably Mustang.. The Caprice tail lights seem to be nearly as obscure to people as the car is. Everyone loves my "shelby" tail lights. Really gets a rise out of some people when I tell them they are off a Chevy Caprice.
The last thing that my Comet was called was a Vega. An old guy (older than me, maybe 67ish) , come on you damn old fool!