Hello Folks, I'm Mac, and this is my first Chat Room ,so to speak, so be easy on this ole Gear Head! I have the pleasure of owning a 72 Comet GT that I've owned since 1982. I bought a twin (almost) to the one I have now "NEW" off the showroom floor(really)in Sept of 72. After many hard 18 year old kid miles and mods, A 66 Polara pushed the tailights into the back seat one unforgetable afternoon.Thank God I had the highbacks,even though they broke and I wound up in a knot in the backseat ,My girl friend I came out with only a broken heart and a little wipelash.Any way I have many stories I can share and many Questions I'd like to ask. I love stories ,not lies,so share and share alike. I've been in the automobile business for almost all my life and have had all kinds of cool rides, but the"Comet" is Family. Hope to talk with all you "Nut Buckets". Thanks, Happy Motoring! mac~
Wow , Thanks for all the fast replys. This may get habit forming. To know em is to LOVE em. I need all the support I can get to bring ole "2ndwind" back to the life it deserves. Have Fun !!! mm~