I got one of these great cars.But it isn´t very powerfull it has got six cylinder smallest version but it is a four door and from the year 1973. I fell in love with car on very first day. It´s very hard time finding parts in these cars here. (please don´t make fun of my english)
Welcome. I spend 6 months in Keflavik Iceland with the Navy in the 70's. Unfortunately it was during the winter. Still, it was an amazing place. One of the things that I remember most was the year round outdoor pools heated by volcanic springs. I was told all the homes in Reykjavik are also heated by the same springs. Pretty neat. We used to fly around the island. It was really beautiful around the coasts. I used to never eat fish untill I had the fresh haddock from there. I also remember the white outs. You've got to see them to believe them. Anyway, welcome again.
Welcome to the board Bacon. You have found THE place for Maverick information and great people. Like Mavaholic, my husband was also stationed in Keflavick only it was in the late 1950's. He also has many memories of his time in Iceland. He too was there in the winter and nearly froze his butt off on a few occasions, but was very taken by the beauty of the place. Are you the only one in Iceland who has a Maverick? And as always, send pictures if you can. We would love to see them.
A big welcome to you!!! If you spend some time on this forum, you will see that we who speak English as a first language, mess it up so much that we cannot possibly make fun of an Icelander mis-using the language.