My younger brother bought an Aztek new and still has it, piece of crap and fugly too. The boy will never learn.
So, does a "thumbs up" for the Pinto mean you agree or disagree? Personally, I love them, have owned more than a few, am restoring a '76 wagon as we speak. I love Mavs, too (my Dad had a '70 Grabber, new), and I even owned an early ('66) Comet - first car - but in my search for a car, I found this Pinto before landing either of the other two. Besides, everything written by the media is per their opinion, which doesn't count for much, especially these days. No car company sells literal millions of a particular model, and can call it an unsuccessful venture - it takes the media to twist the truth and shape/polarize public opinion. I shant go further down this road before it becomes a politically charged debacle about the media Chris
No doubt. I like the Stallions as well, too bad they did not do a wagon in Stallion colors, otherwise I'd be building a clone. Chris
ive always liked Pinto's & Edsel's. My aunt had a yellow Pacer many moons ago in her younger days but as for the rest of them, dont care anything for them they should have added the Chevy SSR to that list
Where's this thing? Or this? Or even this I'm kinda suprised these 2 weren't on there too... Although I do like some Colts...
I like some of the and the only in better condition. And i must admit i do like those Civics.