well guys i promised you pics of the motor install. well here they are.and the motor went in pretty good look at it shine.now remember im doing all the mechanical stuff first and this winter i will do the cosmetic stuff.i just want to make sure it runs and stops good before i pretty it up. homermav and the purple haze excuse me while i kiss the sky(front wheels off the ground)
gene hopfully within the next week or two still have to tidy some things up like trans lines,fuel lines and such. boy i love it when a plan comes together dave thats an 8 quart pan with a high volume oil pump in it. got to keep a lot of blood pumping in this motor.
Another purple Maverick about to come alive..................SHAAA-SWEET. Keep up the good work and...........of course pictures.
well its a 1989 302 roller with e-7 heads off of a 85 ho 302 and a ford racing e-303 cam topped off with a holley 600cfm vacum secondary carb.the heads have had some work done to them.hopefully this winter i can get the motor dynoed. but im hoping for around 300 hp.i think im close but if not i will add a few things to get there.
i love the pic with the sun shining off the valve cover. looks like a pice of jewlery going in. keep up the good work.
got the headers all bolted up and im going to tackle the water pump and pullys next when i get that done i will post pics.