Hey didn't you guys pay your dues? Here is the key to the backdoor. http://maverickmatt.no-ip.com/maverickboard/boardmain.jsp BlueMav
Well...I may be wrong for thinking this, But the way I see it that site has become a "private site" for a certian group of selected people to gather on. Matt makes the site into a password protected place, and then doesnt give(e-mail) some of us regulars the pass word and doesnt (or maybe I didnt see it) post any explanation to explain what has happened . Kinda feels like coming home to find the locks have been changed... Well I visited that site EVERY day and I `ll sorta miss it, but it is his site to do with as he sees fit. Thank god we all can still come here to post. M.A.V.
Actually,Matt has nothing to do with it....he created and maintains the messageboard there, just like I created and maintain the chat room. The site is owned by Mark Griffith, who for some reason has chosen not to tell us what is going on. My site is still up and running(http://www.maverickcomet.com ), and I have a link to Matt's messageboard, this messageboard, the messageboard at MustangsandMore.com...and just in case that is not enough messageboards, I have a messageboard that I created a while back! Just wanted to set the record straight.....
Mark thanks for setting the record straight (well as straight as you can). I just wish he would come forth with an explanation. If we did something wrong I would like to know what it was. So Mark Griffith if you read this,please let us know whats wrong, maybe we can help. Russ
:confused: For some reason I has thinking that" Maverick Matt" was Mark Griffith. See I`m even more confused than I thought lol! Anyway I feel kinda funny using a back door link when it looks like the FRONT door has been locked to keep me out ...know what I mean?
Here is a link to the "maverick message board" and the current discussion on this topic:http://maverickmatt.no-ip.com/maverickboard/displayThread.jsp?board=discussion&threadid=3173&topicStart=1&ts=1036349956198
The thread on this topic has been erased from the Maverick Message Board so the link that I posted above does not work......!?
Something on the page now Well at least there's a main page now, but its nothing like it was...no links or anything.
I just visited the main site over there (not the messageboard) and I did not like what I saw. I don't know what he's trying to pull here. Thankfully the messageboard and chat room are independently owned i'm wondering just how Mark Griffith intends to pull this off maybe he's plannin to create his own board and chat room thats lookin to be the only way he's gonna get away with this. Didn't mean to add fuel to the fire here but I had to vent. I'll still visit the messageboard over there and still chat in MavMark's chat room (great place to meet people i'm glad he created it) as often as I can (kinda limited due to my internet connection here) but whatever Mark Griffith does there he can count me out sorry.. Thank You (I added the 'T' (in bold) as it sounded like this was his board. - Stefan)
Very strange. I don't see the benefit of starting a new club, and a private message board is pretty useless, what would you want to talk about behind closed doors? I didn't see it necessary to provide a maverickgrabber.com chat room or message board because there are already plenty of good ones.