some fellow board members and close friends of mine came up today to pick up some parts and for some good ole fashin b-s'ing. some of you may know them, and some may not. both are from TN and are great guys to stand around and shoot the bull with. Tim Keck (same as forum name) and fastfords (Chuck) dropped by and took off some maverick parts and trucks parts. they didnt on planninf to stay as long as they did, but u know how that is when we get talking needless to say...... A GOOD TIME WAS HAD BY ALL :Handshake
You KNEW someone was gonna do this... When I finally get up there I'm already planning on spending the night at a local hotel so I don't have to worry about leaving on time. Hell, if it were road worthy I would snag my father's camper to drive up there to pull the GT home. -Scott H.
Always a good time when talking about Mavericks and Comets, and even better when you get to pull parts. Next time I will drive so we get there alittle earlier. Most definitely "A GOOD TIME WAS HAD BY ALL"