I am considering putting Argent stripes on my '72 Comet GT. The body color would be the same as the '05 Mustang color red. I am also considering painting the area on the hood which is usually black, Argent and the back, also usually black, Argent. Anyone seen this done before? Also how about the engine bay Argent instead of body color or Black? I also have Argent '69 styled steel wheels with the GT centers to go along with this combination. Opinions? Jim
I hope you don't mind, but I'm splitting up your post to answer the sections separately. Here's a pic I found in this thread: http://mmb.maverick.to/showthread.php?t=60390 Personally, I like the idea and am considering something similar on one of my cars except using red & white. Honestly, I personally think it would be too much. If you're using the Argent color as an accent color, continue the theme under the hood so that when the hood is open it blends into the car rather than distracts from it. Paint the engine bay the same color as the body and then the brackets, bolts, etc. Argent. You'll be much happier with the color choice in the long run. Hope this helps, -Scott H.
I agree with the idea of going to a darker Argent. Look at some pics of late 90s Ford Explorer Sports (2 doors). There is a red and dark argent factory combo. I just bought one that is light denim blue and a light argent and it is a very good combo. Dark would not work as well, but looks good with red. (I have been shopping for an Explorer for a veeeeeeeeeeeeeeery long time .... picky).
I had not been in a hurry to decide things on this car since I had a couple of others I had planned to finish ahead of it. However, some events took place to change my order of finish. Also, I won a $100 gift certicate to Graphic Express at our Mustang show a couple of weeks ago. It will get me my stripe kit. I had planned on going white on the stripe since the interior is white. However, I don't like the look of white on the rear and hood. I thought black on the hood and rear with white on the side wasn't quite what I wanted, either. I also am not crazy about the orange red original color. It's ok, but I really like that new Mustang red color, and thought it would look great with silver. The engine bay was just an afterthought since I am currently stripping all the paint off to the bare metal in there. It was black, but I don't think I will go back to black and was looking for alternatives. Jim
Not a Comet but I painted the center of the hood Argent Silver along with the bumpers and side marker bezels. The car is painted an Explorer color, Currant Red Fred
Fred, nice looking combination. Thanks for the picture. Scott, That car is one of the reasons I started thinking about the silver instead of black accents. Thanks for sharing. Jeff, the stripe kits only come in one shade of silver, so I probably will stay with something similiar to the stripe in color. Thanks for adding your comment. Should I stay with a white interior or change that to silver or maybe silver/red? Any opinions? Jim
Jim, That's the picture that got me thinking about the red / white color combination actually so it looks like we had almost the same idea from it. The more I'm thinking about it, I'm not so sure I'm going to stick with the white stripes myself. If it was a '74 Gran Torino I more than likely would, but I'm just not sure I want a mini flying tomato! What I would honestly suggest if you want the tape stripes to match the paint is go ahead and order the stripes when you're within a month or so from painting the body and have a competent paint company custom match the paint to them. When you order the stripes, ask for some of the scrap material where your stripes were cut out for paint matching purposes. 9 times out of 10, the company will give it to you. For your interior, I'm going to have to say to get the body paint work done first. Then make a couple of medium sized spray painted pieces of card board of the approximate colors you want and prop or tape them on the interior side of the door. Take a few steps back and look at them for a minute or three. Sometimes what looks good on paper is not so good in real life. Spray paint and card board are a whole lot cheaper than material and labor. You're the one that is going to have to live with the decision for a long time (unless you are fixing it for resale or have a huge bank account), so make sure it's something you're going to like for the long haul. Getting the opinion of your significant other might not be such a bad idea either if they're going to be spending any time in the car too. The interior color isn't the only thing you're going to have to live with for a looooooooong time... Hope this helps, -Scott H.
If this helps you decide, here is blue and silver. http://mmb.maverick.to/gallery/show...tle&direction=ASC&imageuser=974&cutoffdate=-1
Rusty, It seems your car has been an inspiration to more than one of us. It makes an idea easier to turn into reality when you have something physical to see instead of just on paper. You have a great looking car and it shows the hard work you put into it. Scott, as to my significant other, the closest thing I have is my 20 year old TWH deep golden palomino stallion, whom I have owned since he was a yearling. Do you honestly think any woman would let me have 8 classic cars? Maybe one or two, but certainly not 8. I love old cars more than I need female companionship. I was marrried for 22 years. That is enough for me. Actually, 7 now, since I just sold my white Cougar conv to a friend. That freed up some money to get another one closer to completion. I am trying to get as many close to finish before I retire next year. Right now, 5 of the 7 are far enough along to go to shows. I would like to complete either the Mav or Comet so that I can attend some of the functions with the same type car as the others attending. That is why I am looking at the GT. I have an engine now, trans, and a little money to work on it. By the way, I went on E Harmony.Com, and my perfect match was a '72 Sprint, lol. Jim
This is the car that is about 95% exactly what I want. Ok, 90%. I'm having a silver vinyl top. I have a NOS GT grill with the stainless and blacking the headlight bezels, clear turn sigs.
I am crazy for white interiors ... I say definitely keep it. I was tossing around the idea of switching mine to white. What held me back was that I was wavering on an exterior color at that time, and I have a small hoard of primo black interior stuff here. Even thought of doing white seats and the rest of the interior black (some Mustangs had that, right?) ... I ended up just going all black for the interior. I am going for Legend Lime (05-06 Mustang color) with black stripes outside and with that combo, I think any white interior pieces would just be too jarring of a contrast. The Lime is a toned-down color. In a bright red car, a bright white interior would be a good thing ... just let me get my sunglasses first. Argent stripes would be fine too ... tone it down just a tad. White stripes would be one more bright aspect, and I can visualize it being a bit much.