I have a 71 maverick grabber and when i go to the gas station to put gas in it will take about a fourth of a gallon then spew gas out of the hole you put the gas nozzle into. If anyone has had this problem and knows how to fix it please help.
to the forum from Northeast Pennsylvania I've had tanks that acted the same as yours. I used to have to keep turning the nozzle around and slowing the flow until I could get the gas to go down the tube without closing off it's ability to vent.
welcome aboard also dont open the valve all the way, i usually do about half on it since the new high speed feed systems are designed for new cars with good pressure relief. even if your vapor tube is perfect it wont let out enough pressure for most of the new pumps...
My work truck is the same way, '08 F450....gotta hold the nozzle a certain way and only trigger about half, otherwise it's an all day affair to refuel.
from Michigan! I have owned Mavericks since 1974. Slow the flow of gas has always worked for me. This was difficult in 1974 after waiting in line for 45 minutes!!
You made me think about those around the block gas lines during that so called shortage. That is wenn the gas prices started going up and I sold my 1965 Buick Skylark Gran Sport 401 because I was damned if i was going to pay 44 cents a gallon for high test.
I changed my filler tube on my '73 to a filler tube from a '76. Any of the newer unleaded Mavericks will work. It has a smaller hole with a flap that helps with the backsplash. I haven't had a problem since I did it.