I just installed an MSD 6A box. Basically running a new stock distributor, Accel SuperStock coil, MSD 6A box, new stock plugs, and new stock Ford replacement 5.0 wires, with a pertronix ignitor. MSD instructions recommend .050-.060 gap. Currently running .032. What is a REALISTIC gap for my setup?
never heard that before.... always ran what they recommended from factory. maybe ive been wrong all these yrs
I am just repeating what the instructions state... I thought those sounded a bit big, and that is why I came to ask you guys. Many of you have used them in your cars for years, and have seen the effects (positive or negative) of opening up your gaps.
I thought with a stronger spark you are supposed to set your gaps wider to take advantage of a stronger spark
you want to run the biger gap. the theory of why make the ignition work harder is just wrong. think about it. you spend hundreds of dollars on a high energy igniton that is designed to make a really stong spark. It can over come the larger gap with more compression makeing a larger flame kernal to give you more efficency.
Nope, just $40, thanks to Tim Keck!!! So, .045-.050 DOES sound like a reasonable range... Up until about a week ago, I was running .44 with just the SuperStock coil and pertronix, and it ran just fine. I see no reason why adding an MSD into the mix it wouldn't work at .050.
.054" here. And that was with elevated cylinder pressure from nitrous. No problems. Stretch out that spark and let it do some work.
with MSD i run my maverick .060 gap. the other day a mechanic changed my spark plugs and i told him to gap them at .060 i picked up the mav an it runned like ****, so i get back to the mechanic and i told him " you did not gap them at .60 do you? he said "no, i thought it was to much so i gapped them at .045", so i give him instructions to take them off an gap them at .060. the car returned to normallity running great. remember to use stock autolite sparkplugs. dont ever use platinum spark plugs. they get so hot that they stay "red" all the time, making misfires and shaking the vehicle.