has anyone put a drain plug in there rear end by drilling a whole in the rear end and welded a nut over it than put the bolt in it ------ i have a 8'' rear
yeah very good idea, but not sure what the best way to do it would be. Would be great for people who would like to service there differentials themselves but don't have a diff pump.
YAH i bought a little $15 hand pump with a hose that i stuck down the filler tube and pumped it out but if i would have thought about putting a drain plug i would have done it
I did like the last post. Drilled and tapped for 3/8" pipe, just off center of the gear. Then use allen headed plug, so nothing hangs down lower than the surface of the diff. Nothing will bang it, and nothing in the way if you use that area as a jacking point (as I always do). I used blue anodized plug.
Really don't need one. All you need is a pan to catch to lube when you break the differential loose from the housing. Why have one more thing to worry about leaking
...doublenut one of the studs on the bottom of the housing and remove it... the stud hole goes all the way through the housing. ...:Handshake...
the "studs" are not threaded into the housing. they are splined into it. you can pull it through the front. they are like wheel studs.
oops i ment cant pull it through the housing. if you taped the hole to thread in a stud it would be to larger for the hole in the third member. i have the botom of my diff taped and pluged like scooper does. it has never diped a drop.
Genes is a good setup. I worried about having the bolt head hit by something and breaking off, but his has a protective rim around it. As far was why a drain plug? It is nice to drain and refill the oil without having to clean up the gasket faces, and replacing the gasket. Kinda like not wanting to change head gaskets every time I change the engine oil...
Why do you want to change the dope in the rear end? It never goes bad. It doesn't get contaminated like engine oil and it doesn't hold moisture like brake fluid.
I am thinking that it could loose it's viscosity just like any oil. It gets hot and some of us spin really hard. I would say mostly for peace of mind that i'm protecting my rear end for a few dollars.
The fluid can get nasty, from metal shavings from the gears, and some drain or fill plugs have a magnet on the inside of them and those prevent the fluid from getting nasty, but it does get nasty if there is no magnet on the plug.