i have checked all the lines the tank the carb everything i cant find any leaks anywere i have a 75 so no drop in tank does anyone know were it might be coming from or had this problem before
you may need to be more specific. you smell it when driving it? lift the hood up, do you smell it there?
Where are you standing, and near what part of the car, when you smell the raw gas fumes? Is car running?
If it's not running rich you need to inspect the filler pipe at the gas cap where it does into the tank. If that looks good I suggest dropping the tank and inspect it closely. It could have some rust holes in it although it would be unusual for the top side. You would think you would see fuel leaking somewhere if it's actually raw gas you are smelling. Inspect the bottom of the tank closely where the sending unit/fuel line is. Keep us posted. This could be dangerous so you certainly need to get it fixed quickly.
i will drop the tank and check i did inspect the filler tube but couldnt find anyhting wrong im pretty sure its not rich but i havent played with carb cause its running fine right now but i will check it out its raw fuel the first time i put gas in the car i smelt it but figured it was cause i just put gas in it but it doenst go away so yeah it kind of worries i have surface rust on the trunk bottom and its damp from the weather striping being worn out so i guess i could have some rust on top of the tank but that would be weird
is stock gas cap vented cause i have an aftermarket locking one that is not so im wondering if that may be the problem
ive only got one line coming from tank going to the fule pump i noticed today when i went t o the store i had jump on it pretty hard coming out of the parking lot to clear traffic and the smell got worse the store is about 2 blocks away i got home and checked everything right then no leaks or evidence of fule any were so im wondering if its the fumes from the tank i will check for the cainster were is the cainster and the line going to it located
The canister is under the hood. It should be a blue canister mounted to the firewall near the passenger side hood hinge.
I dont know if it would actually work or if it would damage anything(I dont think it would), try putting a little dye in the fuel tank and taking a florescent light to it after 15-20 miles...if its leaking from a pinhole, you wont see the leak because the gas evaporates so quickly, the dye wont evaporate once it gets on the metal around the pinhole. Like I said I dont know if this will work or not...Id assume it would only work for a leak on the bottom of the fuel tank or in the line, it wont work for a pinhole on top or an issue with the neck.