i just bought 1 and was wondering if there any good mine was new in the box and didnt have any paper work or anything ......
i have a holley red line on mine. check the fuel pressure on it. 7 to 9 lbs is good for carb. higher will blow the seals in the carb. unless your running spray it needs to be like 14
well i need to get a bypass valve to limit the presure to 19psi to the reg.,then ill set it at 6 1/2psi does that sound good..
i will probably be running e85 or pumpgas ......i ahve a blue pump now,and im afraid it wont keep up with my e85 1/4 mile
i dont know anything about that pump but ive never heard any thing good about procomp prouducts. they are chinese copys of american product and are usually pretty lousy. the fuel pressure advise given is wrong. you idealy want 5 psi for the carb and the nitrous. the pressure wont effect the performance of the carb, as long as the pump can move the volume that the motor needs. most carberated nitrous systems are calibrated based on 5 psi for the fuel pressure. if you ran 14 psi you would be injecting over twice the amount of fuel that is susposed to be there. im not sure why nitrous was brought up any ways.
all the cars weve built have ran at about 8 lbs. my dads maverick is a nitrous car. we run 14 lbs on it. i didnt know if he was running spray or not
a holley carb can usually stand up against 7 to 8 psi. that is pushing its limits. they are desgined for 5 psi. its not much of a big deal on the carb. on the nitrous there is a air fuel ratio. the air being the oxygen in nitrous. when the pills for nitrous are being chosen it with the operiating pressures being cosidered. usually the operating pressure for the nitrous is 950 psi, and for the fuel is 5 psi. now you can run higher fuel pressure. it will just use a smaller jet. most kits that have recomended jeting for different power levels are based on 5 psi for the fuel. your dads car may have the jeting calibrated for 14 psi or there may be something else going on.
Yea I would keep the fuel pressure below 7 lbs. atleast. I run 6lbs. on mine with my BG280. Make sure you have a good regulator also. Go ahead and spend a little on the regulator. A good one will cost you close to $100. The $20 holley is cheap but is not very accurate and varies at higher rpm's. I like the BG, aeromotive, or magnafuel. As for nitrous, I've never seen anyone run over 6lbs. with a plate system.
im running a 750 holley. high compression. my dads car we hav a cheater system on it. with a 650 holley
Sorry I'm no help with the pump, but noticed the nitrous comments.....Many hard core nitrous systems are flowed at around 5-5.5psi through a .073 jet in the fuel line, and most actually use the $20 Holley 12-803 reg for the nitrous system. I agree on a good reg for the carb, but for nitrous the cheap ones seem to be the best. 14psi is REALLY high> just my $.02
yea i dont understand the 14 psi thing either ,unless its at wide open throttle ,and used with a vacume actated reg.,that set at 5 psi at idle and increses as you go
I dont know for sure about the pump but I did buy one of their regulators. I should have known better but I thought its only a regulator how bad could it be. It ran for about an hour then left me stranded at the corner. Limped it home. The regulator would jump from 1-6psi just by tapping it with a wrench. I got so pissed off with the fuel system I scrapped the whole thing electric and all and went back to a stock style high flow mechanical. So far everything I've seen about the pro comp products is cheap Chinese knock offs. I certainly wouldnt trust that pump for racing. The speed shop I bought the regulator from has now stopped selling all pro comp products. They are tired of dealing with pissed off customers and credit claims.