Damn Matterick that looks fantastic! The lowered stance and the small bumpers, it looks like a different car. I'm thinking the small bumpers are the way to go, very cool. The porta potties really did make rather ugly trunk ornaments. Thanks much!!
Mojo- frt springs were cut a half coil at a time, just to see how the ride and stance would be affected. Ended up with a bit more than 1 full coil off. Ride is decent, stance looks good, but that is subjective I guess. They do not work very well at the track, have a tendency to hold the frt down a bit, preventing lift at launch. I am researching a set of good drag springs that might give me the same ride height with a greater amount of unsprung lenght.
Hi Blown74, I am only interested in ride quality; stance is not my priority. I am trying to ascertain from those who have exp with these vechicles ride quality and handling; in that order. I don't mind the car sitting a little high. I have owned the car just a little more than five mos. I have new 4 leaf springs on rear and they a little stiff for me>> but seems to be the only game in town. Thanks for ur response---- and appreciate feedback from anyone else.