I tried for 2 hours to take off drum what the heck is the issue of why it won't budge of is their a specific way to take off?
i havent worked on drums in a long time. But make sure the parking brake is off, and back off the star adjuster through the little hole in the back plate.
To back off on the adjusting screw, you must first insert a small, thin screwdriver or a piece of firm wire (coat-hanger wire) into the adjusting slot and push the adjusting lever away from the adjusting screw. Then, insert a brake adjusting spoon into the slot and engage the top of the star-wheel. Lift up on the bottom of the adjustment spoon to force the adjusting screw star-wheel downward. Repeat this operation until the brake drum is free of the brake shoes and can be pulled off.
All above good tips! Also, soak hub with pbblaster an propane torch heat drum where it meets hub, smack hub itself couple times too! PS, we are talking rear hubs correct? Good Luck
Stuck Brk Drums All the suggestions so far are right-on. Although IMO I wud'nt go "Hog Wild" w/ the BFHammer; you might crack the drum. I guess it don't matter if u plan on changing drums.
I would. This is a drum. A brake drum. A lowly piece of cheap, rusty metal. You are a human being, and you are superior to it. It just disobeyed you. You have a Big F'ing Hammer. Now what are you gonna do, sir?
For stuck rear drums, I have a 12 inch long piece of 1 inch round bar stock that I put next to each lug stud and hit with a hammer. About the third time around, it usually comes free. For front drums, as Maverickdragger said, make sure you have the wheel bearing and retainer nut removed.
I soak it in PB Blaster for about 10 minutes and then wail on it with my BFH(deadblow) as I turn it slowly and wiggle it. Eventually it will come off. If you can, back the adjustment star off first.
What usually happens is the brake shoes cut into the drums creating a lip preventing the drums from comming off. But an air chisle with a flat end on the axel while pulling on the drum should work if their not grooved too bad.