I was wondering which Maverick bumpers everyone liked the best? 70-72/73/74-77. I personaly like the 73 bumpers better not just because I own a 73 I just like the style better but what do the rest of you think?
I have a '73 too, and I like the fact that this bumper (front) is unique to this year, looks like it could actually protect my car from some damage in a very low speed contact situation, but that aside, I'm switching to '70-'72 bumpers to lose weight and because I think their "prettier". Just my opinion. John B.
Just found this since my last reply. It may be a way for '73 bumper guys to have some protection and a trimmer looking bumper. The "operation" is being performed on a '73 Torino, but I'm sure that you will appreciate the similarities immediately if you have ever had your '73 bumper assembly apart. The mounting brackets look almost identical to the Mav items; even the support beam shares more than a passing resemblance to the same part on our car. These guys claim a weight loss of 46 lbs.!! That might be worth the trouble alone, if you race. Here's the link; http://www.fordmuscle.com/archives/2004/05/BumperMod/index.shtml Hope this is useful to someone. John B.
The 70-72 bumpers look the best to me. The 73 Bumpers are acceptable. Let me just say that if I bought a big bumper car, the absolute first thing to be changed would be the bumpers..... they are just way to big/out of proportion (in an aesthetic way) for a small car like the Maverick. Ford should have incorporated the big bumpers into the lines of the Mav a little better. For example: like in the 60s big Fords - Fairlanes, Galaxies, etc. They had big bumpers, but they look really nice. -Corbin
I like what ever bumpers the car came from the factory with. Once the bumpers get changed around, it gets harder to tell what year the car was made. If I had an early Maverick or Comet with the small bumpers, I would leave them alone. As it is, my Mavericks are from 1976 and 1977 and they both have the big bumpers. That's what they came with and that's whats staying on them. I just like the factory stock look. I live in deer country and I've seen what happens to the small bumpers when they encounter some of our larger wildlife. Those small bumpers turn to pretzels real easy and so does the rest of the front end. The big bumpers at least offer a little more protection.
big bumpers I was one of the first guys in the neighborhood to have a new '74 Ford. The bumpers were always an issue. I hated them at first but then grew acustom to them. At least they are chrome, not like the Mustang II. I think the big bumper cars look more expansive and serve a good purpose. They also mark the begining of a new area in automotive history.
I like the 73 bumpers slighty better. but 70-72 bumpers are pretty nice too. I dont like the 74-77 to big for my taste.
I have to say that I like the small 70-72 bumpers the best, however I also like the big bumpers if they are devoid of all rub strips and bumperettes. It's all about the "clean" look for me. Sam
I only liked the small bumpers until I went to my first round-up where I saw Dan's Stallion(which is not a big bumper car anymore) and Wilbur Green's blue mav. I think when done right the big bumpered cars look good too!
I think there could be alot done to the big bumpers to make them more appealing. Tucking them closer to the body would help considerably. After all, cars from the 50's and 60's had pretty hefty bumpers on them too.