put a heavy spring in the secondary if you think its to much. You can tune it to work if you have to tune it to be a two barrel. Sounds like the secondary is opening to late but it can be done either way.
What is the secondary you are talking about? the little lever for the acelorator pump? this is a single pump, not a double pump... Pictures would help me out if you dont mind
check the pic in this thread.the secondary vacuum canister has a spring just under the lid that regulates when the secondaries open.soft spring they open faster ans vise versa.holley offer several different springs you can order pretty cheap as a kit and then try the different ones until your bog goes away.super easy to change and no fuel will leak out. here is the kit http://www.holley.com/20-13.asp
The secondaries use a vaccume operated diaphram for opening and you can tune it with different springs. I will try to find some pic's for ya.
Probably has the same spring in it. If you buy a kit it will give you specifics about the springs as far as opening rates. You could even tie the secondaries closed so you can just tune the primary side. Sorry i couldnt get a pic for ya. But, i see ya got that handled.
Im lost too... buy anyways, ill try the spring some other day. I did find out that its suppost to be a manual choke which i kind of like
IMO the 750 can be tuned to run right next to the 650. You just need adjustable metering blocks and if you can afford it install annular boosters. The adjustable metering blocks enable the 750 to be tuned down for that motor. The annular boosters are just nice to have on the 750 since they restrict more air flow compared to a downleg booster. Ebay some adjustable metering blocks and tune that carb in!