ok, i have the 1970 inline 6 200ci ford maverick. ive been looking around for porformance parts and i cant seem to find any or if i do, they are very expensive. so, i wonder if anyone knows what is the best thing to do for the inline 6 as far as making more horsepower out of it.....anybody know?? or have any ideas??
Im just going to build my 250 slowly instead of having to find a 302 and pay for it then all the mods
A 302 has as much power stock as a decently modified inline 6...and its a lot more reliable...the cam in the I6 is so long that it will bend a lot easier under a lot of stress then a 302 cam. Most I6s were not built with power in mind...with that said it would take a lot of replacing and upgrading to even get it in par with a 302...its a LOT more cost effective to just do a v8 swap
I6 I did a 302 swap on mine. so worth the money. I would go that route before spending too much money trying to get there anyways. Unless it's just simply for the sake of keeping your car original. I went to a V-8 and will never look back. So worth the money. Brought car to life and then some!
Oh i guess that does make sense just need to save up the money for it. Or i might just keep the car original and then work on a second project
Alot of people here has 302 parts cars and will sell you everything needed to do a swap, just throw a Wanted ad in the appropriate forum.
It only really starts costing a lot of money if you are planning on adding the aluminum head. that thing costs close to $1200 IIRC. My planned route for my 6 for next summer is this : 1. Pick up a later head and have it cleaned and converted to accept a Webber 2bbl Carb. Then slap it onto my 200. 2. Pick out a cam for a perfect mild build. 3. Already have the Pertronix module. All I would need now is the hotter coil and followed by gapping the plugs. 4. Exhaust upgrade plus headers. But that's just my plan of course. You can do whatever you want to yours or go the v8 route. Cheers!
Thats a good idea i have a 4 door so not trying to super build it just get a little more pick up from it
Yup yup. I think the problem that some people don't understand is that a Super Built six is the one build that will kill your pocket book. A mild build like the one I am going to go with should not even come close to killing your pocket book. Finding a used head should be easy at any junkyard. I'd then figured I would have it sent to Mike at CI for the conversion procedure and he already has told me it would cost $200 and that will include the bullet grill and labor. But yo get my point though. I estimate that I won't even spend close to $1000 on it. Cheers!
ok now $1000 is around the top price range i want to spend either way so i think the 6 turn out working better then the V8 swap and the V6 way i can slowly build it as i go more of all the mounts and then finding a good motor, the motor i have now is only 44,000 miles
Where is a good place to find exhaust system and a good pair of headers? Or what would a good model to look for