I have been thinking about a new engine...... just thinking, you know how we like to do that. The prices go from one exterme to the other what brands have you guys tried and been happy with? Nothing wild just a good engine for a cruzer. And I know this has been asked a zillion times..... buuutttt do headman shorties fit a column shift automatic? Or does anybody make a header that fits ? thanks for any imput.
If you are looking for a brand new engine i cant really help but what i would do is find a car with low miles and take the engine from that then you will save some $ and you could clean it up to look nice and build it while its out of the car. Just thought i should throw in my suggestion
Thats a good way to go. That way you can get what ever cam,pistons,compression, ect that you want. And If you want it built for you, take a core to you local engine builder with a list of what you want. Just make sure they know what they are doing. That seems to allways get you more motor for the money. Just my $0.02 M